To my team: I work for you

I want to grow into a leader that deeply trusts and empowers others. I think this is especially important in the context of engaging millions of volunteers to accomplish our mission.

A series of posts caught my attention this week.

1. The benefits of not knowing everything on the blog.
What you don’t know matters
You don’t need to know what but who
Shocked by what I don’t know
Letting go of the know

2. Godin’s post on who do you work for


  • My team needs to know that I am a resource for them.  They aren’t just paid to make me happy.  I am paid to make sure they are successful.  Working together in this context could produce agile, cutting-edge, world-changing tools.
  • I don’t need to know everything.  If I do, I’m probably missing a leadership development opportunity for someone.
  • ‘Who’ is in charge, is likely just as important as ‘what’ needs to get done.  In a lot of cases, simply knowing who is responsible to get a project executed is all that is needed.

How have you developed your team so they feel (and act) deeply empowered?

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